Bible Study
Current Bible Studies
Sundays: Chronological New Testament
Wednesdays: The Resurrection
Children: Divided Kingdom
Bible Study for All Ages
Mommy & Me (24 months and under)
Children 2 and under join for a time of singing and playing to learn about God.
Early Readers (6-8 years)
Children learn the big story of the Bible over three years with each quarter devoted to thirteen stories about a specific time period in Bible history. Emphasis on reading, comprehension, and memory.
Toddlers (2-3 years)
Bible stories and concepts are energetically taught using visuals, songs, and crafts.
Readers (9-12 years)
Children learn the big story of the Bible over three years with each quarter devoted to thirteen stories about a specific time period in Bible history. Currently this class is not meeting.
Talkers (4-5 years)
Young children learn the big story of the Bible over three years with each quarter devoted to thirteen stories about a specific time period in Bible history. Emphasis on singing, memorization, and big ideas.
Young Christians (13-18 years)
A variety of topics selected to increase students' Bible knowledge and emphasize personal application of Biblical principles. Classes are structured to encourage student discussion and foster development of a personal faith.