Our Order
of Worship
9:00 am Bible Study
10:00 am Worship
1:30 pm Fellowship
7:30 pm. Bible Study
We know God through His revelation of Himself in the Bible. We study all of the Bible, even the hard parts, that we may know God and His will.
We approach God humbly in prayer, centering our hearts on glorifying Him alone, casting aside our worldly cares, and focusing on His glory.
We sing a capella, or as the church, with a focus on our words, from the heart, and without instruments.
We hear a thirty to forty message based in the Scriptures.
To remember Jesus’ sacrificial death and powerful resurrection we partake of the communion weekly.
As the Scriptures ask of us, we lay by in store a portion of what we’ve received to honor God and support the work of the local church. Our money stays local.
We strive to know one another and to care for the needs of our brothers and sisters the world over. This is a time of sharing those needs.
On Sunday afternoons we meet at either the building or a member’s home for a time of continued fellowship.
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Learn more about who we are and what to expect when visiting.